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  Enter a message under PPL control.

  MESSAGE conf,to,from,sub,sec,pack,rr,echo,file

   conf  - An integer expression with the conference in which to post
           the message.
   to    - A string expression with the user name to which the message
           should be sent (empty string defaults to current caller).
   from  - A string expression with the user name that the message
           should be sent from (empty string defaults to current caller).
   sub   - A string expression with the subject of the message.
   sec   - A string expression with the desired security for the message
           ("N"for none or "R" for receiver only, "N" is the default).
   pack  - A date expression with the packout date for the message
           (or 0 for no packout date).
   rr    - A boolean expression with the return receipt requested flag
           (TRUE to request a return receipt, FALSE otherwise).
   echo  - A boolean expression with the echo flag
           (TRUE to echo the message, FALSE otherwise).
   file  - A string expression with the path and file name of the text
           file to use as the message text.

  This statement will allow you to leave a message from any user (or any
  'name' you wish to use) to any user on your system.  This can be useful if
  you want to notify a user of information that they should download in
  a QWK packet or that they might miss too easily as a quick one liner on
  screen from the PPL.

  IF (CURSEC() < 20) THEN

See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson